
EPM specializations are optional and generally intended for those completing the program in 2 years. Upon completion the specialization will be listed next to the student's name on the EPM website. Students may choose to obtain more than one specialization. 

Social Systems
Natural Systems
Quantitative Tools

Environmental & Resource Economics

Conservation Management* Spatial Information Science

Politics & the Policy Process

Climate Change Science & Policy Statistics & Data Analysis

City & Regional Planning

Water Resource Management  

Energy & Transportation Planning

Marine Resource Management  

Environmental Justice

Food Systems & Sustainable Agriculture  
Environmental Finance    
  • *The Conservation Management specialization allows students to take up to one Ecology focused course. This is annotated by an asterisk* next to specialization on the EPM Elective Spreadsheet. 
  • The Spatial Information Science specialization may be fulfilled with all 100-level courses due to lack of available 200-level courses. The program recommends students take a 200-level course where possible.
  • The Marine Resource Management specialization highly recommends ESP 166 Ocean and Coastal Policy, as part of the coursework.



  • Complete 9 units of coursework in one of the specializations listed below (a minimum of 6 hours at the graduate [200] level).
  • The required elective and required quantitative course cannot count towards the specialization.
  • Students cannot count an elective towards more than one specialization. 
  • Seminar courses are acceptable, up to a maximum of 2 credit hours per area of specialization.
  • Relevant internship credit (ENV 292) may be used toward a specialization (up to a maximum of 3 units), but approval for application of this credit to the specialization must be requested from the Program Coordinator.


  • Non-seminar courses must be taken for a letter grade to count towards the specialization.
  • Students are required to earn a B- or above in graded courses.

Approvals and Exception to Policy:

  • Courses that are pre-approved may be found on our EPM Elective Spreadsheet. 
  • Courses that are not already pre-approved may be submitted for review. Send the Graduate Program Coordinator an email that includes (1) Course number and name (2) Course description (3) Course syllabus (if possible).
  • Any exceptions to the specialization policies must be (1) approved by the student's Advisor and the Program Chair, and (2) confirmed by email with the student and Graduate Program Coordinator. 


Upon completing the required units for a specialization, the student should email the Graduate Program Coordinator and list the courses they took and what specialization they count towards. 


EPM can provide a letter verifying that a student has earned a specialization upon request. Specializations are not reflected on a student's transcript. 

Specialization Table:

The interactive table below allows students to explore classes that previous students have taken towards each specialization. Please use this as a guide, in conjunction with the elective spreadsheet to choose classes. Note that enrolling in the classes below is not binding, as each student may take a different combination of electives to satisfy a specialization.