
Students are advised by: 

The program chair, program director, academic coordinator, and faculty advisors all work with students to assess career aspirations and develop plans for professional development. The Comprehensive Exam Committee evaluates student proposals as well as reports from clinic and practicum work. 

Program Coordinator

The Graduate Program Coordinator is responsible for helping you with nearly all logistical issues associated with being a graduate student. They are the keeper of all forms that dictate your progress towards your degree, including Advance to Candidacy and all graduation paperwork. The Program Coordinator will generally be your first point of contact for your questions.

Program Director

The Program Director is responsible for assisting students develop their career objectives and Practicums. The Director can also assist with connecting students with alumni, members of the External Advisory Committee and other programmatic contacts. If the Program Coordinator is unavailable to answer questions, the Director may assist you.

Faculty Advisor

Your faculty advisor will be assigned to you based on your interests and their area of specialty before the start of the Fall quarter. Your Faculty Advisor serves as the program's representative to the Office of Graduate Studies. All forms pertaining to your graduate career are signed by your Faculty Advisor. Your Faculty Advisor will advise you on coursework, specializations, practicums, and elements of your Comprehensive Exam. 

Requesting a change of advisor: We understand that you might find a better advising fit with a faculty member other than the one that you are assigned. To request a new advisor assignment, please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator and include the name of your current advisor and the name of your preferred advisor. We will do our best to accommodate your request.


You will choose a program mentor to help you develop professional objectives and design a program to help you achieve your ultimate career objectives. A mentor could be another faculty member, but also could a staff member or researcher with relevant experience. If you have opted into the External Advisory Committee Mentorship program, you will be paired with a member in September of your first year.

For more information on advising, see our Student Handbook.