Practicum overview

The Environmental Policy and Management program practicum (ENV 296; 6 units) is an opportunity for students to integrate and apply their coursework to a problem in a practical applied professional setting, and provide students with experience in the professional field. The practicum is intended to be an experiential exercise in professional development (rather than a pure research project). Students are expected to develop a practicum proposal that states how the practicum is envisioned to further their individual career objectives. The Practicum Proposal and Practicum Report and deliverable are two of four components of your Comprehensive Exam. 

General Guidelines

Projects are developed in consultation with a partnering organization outside of UC Davis (e.g. an agency, NGO or consulting firm). Students may use on-campus employment as a Practicum if relevant; however, the project must also include engagement with an off-campus organization. The Practicum Proposal will outline a policy research/ analysis need of the partnering organization and how it will be fulfilled by the student. EPM program staff and faculty work with students to develop Practicum experiences, including contractual obligations with the PO. Most Practicum projects are expected to be individual projects; however, group projects with identifiable individual contributions are also possible. 

  • Location: Practicum projects vary, but will typically involve an internship outside of UC Davis. A student may use a GSR or other campus employment to fulfill the practicum requirement if there is external stakeholder engagement.
  • Timing: Students ideally will begin their Practicum in the summer between the first and second year of the program. The 6 practicum units can be completed during a single quarter or spread out over up to three quarters.  While a minimum of 180 hours of work is required for the Practicum, projects are not limited by this lower bound. See more about registration and deadlines here.
  • Advising: During the duration of a student's project, students will be advised by their supervisor with the partnering organization, faculty advisor and program staff. 
  • Completion: Upon completing the experience, students will submit a written report of their findings as well as any deliverables identified in this proposal. 
