Core Courses
ENV 200A- Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Natural Resource Management
4 units | Fall quarter
Major topics in environmental sciences and impacts of environmental stressors on natural systems and ecosystem services. Emphasis is placed on causes and consequences of past, ongoing, and future climate change and how its impacts are monitored and forecast through assessment reports. Learning objectives include data literacy, critical thinking, practical application of lecture content to biome vulnerability assessments, and consideration of policy solutions to climate change causes and consequences. Skills development focuses on exercises in horizon scanning, oral presentations, policy pitches, group discussions of peer-reviewed literature, and team-based debates of radical climate change solutions.
Graduate standing
ENV 200B- Environmental Policy Evaluation
4 units | Winter quarter even years/ Spring quarter odd years
Same course as ESP/ECL 212B. Method and practice, philosophical basis, and political role of policy analysis. Reviews basic concepts from economic theory; how and why environmental problems emerge in a market economy; and tools necessary for solving environmental problems.
Graduate standing. Prior economics coursework is recommended.

ENV 200CN- Environmental Governance
4 units | Winter quarter odd years/ Spring quarter even years
Introduction to selected theories of the policy process and applications to the field of environmental policy. Develops critical reading skills, understanding of policy theory, and an ability to apply multiple theories to the same phenomena.
Graduate standing. POL 1, ESP 160, or ESP 161 recommended.

ENV 201- Environmental Law
4 units | Winter quarter
ENV 201 course objectives include developing students’ ability to correctly identify, analyze, and explain legal issues presented by environmental problems. Students will develop or hone analytical and verbal communication and skills useful for any setting, including negotiation of environmental problems, stakeholder meetings, and presentations. Students gain hands-on experience with environmental legal problem-solving by briefing cases, analyzing hypothetical fact patterns, and preparing written negotiation strategy submissions that they use as a basis for verbal negotiation sessions. In the negotiation sessions, students represent a client and discuss the law and the facts with the opposing team’s representatives in an effort to craft a negotiated resolution of the problem. As an end-of-quarter assignment students prepare a verbal or written analysis of a current environmental controversy and its likely outcome, along with a proposed negotiation strategy to resolve it.
ENV 202- Policy Development and Implementation
4 units | Fall quarter
Environmental policy development and implementation processes: developing and enacting legislation, regulation development and review, and implementation of new laws. California state processes. Local, federal, and international policy. Business’ role in climate policy. Theory, applied study, discussion with guest experts, and practical skills such as how to write for a policy audience.

ENV 203A and ENV 203B- Environmental Policy Clinic
4 units | Winter quarter
Teams of students analyze an environmental policy problem from scientific, legal and economic perspectives. Hands-on learning partnering with rotating clients. Students enrolled in ENV 203A will continue to ENV 203B in the spring quarter.
Graduate standing. Must be an Environmental Policy and Management student. ENV 203A is a prerequisite for ENV 203B.
ENV 203P- Policy Clinic Prep Seminar
1 unit | Fall quarter
The Policy Clinic Prep Seminar is to provide students with foundational skills in project management to prepare for the capstone Policy Clinic. In this seminar, students will evaluate both individual and group goals for their projects, participate in team building exercises and learn how to navigate group dynamics and manage conflict. Students will learn the basics of project management, including best practices for writing, meetings, and presentations.
Graduate standing. Must be an Environmental Policy and Management student.

ENV 224- Data Management and Visualization in R
3 units | Fall quarter
This is the same course as ECL 224. Computer literacy is now essential in all aspects of science. Data management skills are needed for entering data without errors, storing it in a usable way, and extracting key aspects of the data for analysis. Basic programming is required for everything from accessing and managing data, data visualization, to statistical analysis, and modeling. This course will provide an introduction to data/project management, manipulation, visualization and analysis, across a broad set of ecological data (spatial, genomic, field, etc). Class will typically consist of short introductions or question & answer sessions, followed by hands on computing exercises. The course will be taught using git/Github, R/RStudio, and RMarkdown, but the concepts learned will easily apply to all programming languages and database management systems.

Graduate standing.
ENV 296- Environmental Policy and Management Practicum
2-6 units | Fall, Winter, Spring, and/or Summer quarters
Practicum experience integrating coursework into an applied professional setting. May be repeated for credit.
Consent of instructor and approved Practicum Proposal.
ENV 297- Professional Development Seminar
1 unit | Fall, Winter, Spring quarters
A weekly seminar focused on developing student's professional skills for their environmental policy and management careers. May be repeated for credit up to six units.
TBD (Fall), Eric Post (Winter), Tyler Scott (Spring)
Graduate standing.
A more detailed description of the Policy Clinic, Practicum and Professional Development Seminar can be found here.