Professional Associations

Professional Associations

Joining a professional organization has many benefits, including the opportunity to broaden your network and connect with professionals that are local to Sacramento, within California or nationwide. Being a member in a professional organization can also give you access to educational opportunities- such as conferences, certifications and seminars. Many organizations have a discounted member rate for students.

Please note, this list is not exhaustive. If there is an organization to add to this list, please email the Program Coordinator. 

This list is organized by specialization.

City & Regional Planning
Climate Change Science & Policy
Conservation Management
Energy & Transportation Planning
Environmental & Resource Economics
Food Systems & Sustainable Agriculture
General continued...
Politics & the Policy Process
Spatial Information Science
Statistics & Data Analysis
Water Resource Management
Environmental Justice


Environmental certifications are credentials that an individual earns to demonstrate knowledge and expertise in the environmental industry. These show employers that you have the skills to manage tasks related to environmental preservation. Certifications are for those both in entry-level and advanced positions and in a variety of environmental roles. Benefits of completing certifications also include national recognition from agencies, credibility, new skills, and expanding your network. 

Annual Conferences