Lessons Learned: Recommendations for Fair Trade Certified™ Under Climate Change

Consider this: the coffee you drink in the morning, and the chocolate you eat at night, were both grown by a farmer somewhere in the world. You feel good knowing that the coffee was produced sustainably through the farmer's partnership with Fair Trade USA™. However, growing concerns regarding climate change and deforestation have increased pressure on farmers to mitigate harm to the environment, which begs the question, how? And what role can a nonprofit certifying agency, like Fair Trade USA (FTUSA), play?

Alumni Spotlight- Kamryn Kubose

Kamryn graduated with her MS in Environmental Policy and Management in June 2023 with a specialization in City and Regional Planning. She is currently a graduate transportation planner at GHD.

A Celestial Night at 2024 EProM

The EPM Social Committee recently hosted the program’s annual Spring celebration event, EProM. EProM is hosted every year to celebrate program and student achievements.

Alumni Spotlight - Sara Ostad

Sara is a PhD student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison researching how scientists, policymakers and the public talk to each other about climate change. Sara is a double graduate of UC Davis, earning both her bachelors and masters degree here.

Faculty Spotlight- Dr. Ali Moghimi

Dr. Ali Moghimi is an Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, where he is the lead faculty advisor for the Agricultural and Environmental Technology major. Ali earned his Ph.D. in Biosystems Engineering with a Ph.D. minor in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota.