California State Capitol Building located in Sacramento
Training the next generation of environmental leaders

The Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management

affiliated with the UC Davis Institute of the Environment, provides advanced training in applying environmental science to real-world environmental policy and management issues. The program leverages the position of UC Davis as among the world’s strongest campuses in environmental and natural resources research and science.

The EPM program sets itself apart by targeting students with interdisciplinary backgrounds who seek applied professional careers in environmental policy and management. The focus is on building quantitative skills for practice-oriented careers in environmental policy and management.

About us

The EPM program is designed to address needs in several areas:

  • Students and employers often ask for better and more formal preparation to bridge the differences between scientific academic background and policy and management work, with emphasis on communicating technical information in various management and policy contexts.
  • Increased attention is being placed on the co-development of science for policy and management. Doing so requires training individuals with the interdisciplinary skills to understand both communities.
  • Environmental problem solving increasingly requires more analytical capability within a political and economic decision-making framework.
  • Real and rigorous problem-solving skills involving analysis, communication, and negotiation are needed for students with scientific backgrounds involved in policy-making and management positions.


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EPM News

Student spotlight- Sean Treacy

Sean is an EPM Graduate Student Researcher and the UC Davis Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory analyst. In his first year with EPM, Sean has pursued funded graduate research in partnership with the Sierra Institute, working to find environmentally just, market-driven solutions to sustainable forest and wildfire management, which are massive nature-based carbon dioxide sinks — and increasingly, sources. In his second year with EPM, Sean is looking forward to building more technical skills.

Student Spotlight- May Myo Myint

Hi, I’m May Myo Myint, a Fulbright scholar and masters student in the Environmental Policy and Management program (EPM). Prior to beginning the EPM program, I had 4 years of environmental consulting experience focused on environmental impact assessment, industrial pollution control, and public consultation. Currently, I am working on textile producer responsibility program and textile circularity projects with the California Product Stewardship Council.