Information for students


The Policy Clinic is a focal opportunity for experiential learning that focuses on integrating a wide array of quantitative and technical tools on policy problems. The clinic is problem-focused and interactive. 


Students are required to register for the ENV 203P Policy Clinic Prep Seminar (1 unit) in fall quarter. The seminar will focus on identifying group projects and developing project management skills. Students will register for the Policy Clinic in the Winter (ENV 203A) and Spring (ENV 203B). Students must take ENV 203A before they can enroll in ENV 203B. Both ENV 203A and 203B are 4-units and letter graded. The Program Coordinator will provide all second-year and approved 12-month students with the CRN when registration opens.  

July- September 15The program solicits project proposals.
  • EPM students will be sent a description of all project proposals received and a survey to rank their preferred projects.
  • After the program collates the survey results, informational interviews will be scheduled.
  • Once informational interviews are complete, a final survey will help determine final project groupings. 
October/ November
  • Students will be notified of their group assignment.
  • The Instructor will finalize details in collaboration with the client. 
  • Students will work with their client to develop a scope of work and identify a regular meeting time for the Winter Quarter.
JanuaryProjects begin.
  • Spring break.
  • Clients receive a mid-point survey and will meet with the Instructor. The feedback will factor into student's grades.
End of May/ Early JunePolicy Clinic Report (written by student) is due. Public presentations. 
International students in the Clinic

Per the Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS) office, international students on both a J1 and F1 visa must request work authorization to enroll in the Policy Clinic. After project groups are finalized, international students will receive a letter confirming their group from the EPM Director that they will need to provide to SISS. After receiving the letter, the students should schedule a meeting with their assigned SISS advisor and work with them to submit the work authorization request. 


Final presentations are open to the public and are hosted in early June. Students are expected to attend in person and are graded based on their presence during the entire day. There will be a public reception that follows presentations.

Policy Clinic Report

Each student is responsible for writing a Policy Clinic Report. This report is evaluated as a part of the student's Comprehensive Exam portfolio. 

After the Policy Clinic concludes, a summary report is written by the instructor evaluating each group's work. The report includes client mid-point and final survey results as well as each student's Policy Clinic Report. These elements are reviewed and approved by the Comprehensive Exam Committee.