Position Title
Academic Advisor
Department Environmental Science & Policy
- Bodega Marine Laboratory
John Largier seeks to address environmental issues through application of principles, analyses, and insights derived from oceanography. His work is deeply interdisciplinary, working with experts in ecology, policy, health, social science, engineering, and other fields – developing an “environmental oceanography” paradigm. Centered on water-borne transport in ocean/bay/nearshore/estuary environments, he has tackled issues that include marine protected areas, fisheries, aquaculture, beach pollution, wastewater discharge, wildlife health, desalination, stormwater pollution, coastal power plants, kelp forest loss, wetland health, marine mining, and coastal development. In addition to advising numerous State and Federal agencies in the USA and South Africa, he has published over 200 papers/book chapters. Currently, he is a Distinguished Professor in Environmental Science & Policy and Director of the Bodega Marine Laboratory at UC Davis. Prior to 2004, he was at UC San Diego (Scripps Institution of Oceanography), the University of Cape Town, and CSIR in South Africa.
- Oceanography