Environmental Policy and Management student Sarra F

Sarra Falakfarsa with the California Native Plant Society

The use of California native plants when landscaping can be extremely beneficial to native wildlife and water conservation. Important pollinators such as bees and butterflies rely on the resources that these native plants provide. In addition, because they are acclimated to the local climate, native plants often require less water. Many gardeners would like to use native plants in their gardens for these benefits but struggle to find these plants for purchase. There is also confusion on which plants are considered California natives and carry these environmental benefits. 

For my practicum I am collaborating with fellow UC Davis graduate student Jennifer Cribbs and the California Native Plant Society to develop recommendations for a California Native Plant Certification Program. We are designing a consumer survey, conducting research and interviews, and using our findings to aid in the development of the program.

Our final goal of this project is to clarify the definition of California Native Plants and create recommendations for a certification program.  Having this clear definition will help us determine what qualifies a plant or nursery to be California Native Plant Certified. This certification would build confidence in purchasing California native plants for landscaping and gardening.

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