Environmental Policy & Management student Sarah

Sarah Farnsworth at the Sacramento Area Council of Governments

I am the Intelligent Transportation Systems Intern at Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) in Downtown Sacramento. While the position’s roles change year-to-year, my primary responsibility is to be the acting project manager of the STARNET/511 traffic information network; it’s mission is to improve traffic flow and reduce vehicle emissions in the Sacramento region by coordinating intelligent, real-time transportation data to make travel easier for all users, from commuters to emergency responders. Day-to-day, I am the primary point of contact for the developers and stakeholders, which include the cities encompassed in SACOG’s six-county region as well as transportation agencies such as CalTrans and CHP. I am working with these contacts to successfully incorporate real-time traffic and transit information and updates into the system from as many partners in the region as possible in order to achieve the program’s goals. 

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