Position Title
First-year student
Co-Chair, EPM Diversity Committee
Position Title
First-year student
Co-Chair, EPM Diversity Committee
- Environmental Policy & Management
- iaokeyinka@ucdavis.edu
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/israel-okeyinka-69017120b?utm_source=share&utm_camp…
Okeyinka Israel Ademola is a dedicated climate change, Environmental education advocate, and environmentalist, whose primary focus lies in harnessing the potential of waste transformation through circular economy principles. He bagged a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science and Resources Management at the National Open University of Nigeria, and a leadership certificate in Sustainable waste management at the Lagos Business School, Center of Sustainability. In 2021, He became a team lead for the ECOSCHOOLSNG ADVOCACY PROJECT at Fabe International Foundation, an NGO whose mission is to raise an eco-conscious generation across Africa, where he trained more than 10,000 students and local community residents on circular economy skills between 2021-2023 in Recycling, upcycling, composting, zero waste organic garden, and tree planting to make them Environmental steward Driven by his profound love and passion for environmental sustainability with a strong focus on upcycling and waste repurposing, he founded Exousia Repurpose in 2022 with a mission to creatively reuse and repurpose discarded materials like Tyre waste and plastic waste from the source into functional products of high environmental value, with a Vision to lead way in circular economy and contributing to a cleaner, healthier and sustainable Environment. He is interested in building a sustainable waste management system for both marginalized communities and urban areas, having experienced firsthand in a developing nation the adverse effects of poor environmental planning and unsustainable waste management systems, he intends to devote his professional career pursuit to establishing a system that will foster a behavioral change in man and the environment, and develop circular economy policies, drive innovation for businesses, corporations, and organizations to achieve a sustainable future and a green economy. He looks forward to developing practical solutions for the sustainability challenges that plague mankind. Israel exudes enthusiasm and unwavering motivation, consistently advocating for creative solutions and championing a sustainable and zero-waste environment, as well as biodiversity conservation. He remains committed to raising awareness about sustainable development goals and actively promoting sustainability in all aspects of life. He is highly motivated to make the most of the study experience the Environmental Policy and Management course will offer towards honing his skills and knowledge in preparation for a professional career as a sustainability consultant, Environmental policy consultant, sustainable waste manager, and academician.