Rachel Bressler

Student Spotlight- Rachel Bressler

Quick Summary

  • Rachel is a second-year EPM student who currently works part-time for the Planning and Climate Protection Division at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.

Hello! My name is Rachel, and I’m a current second-year EPM student. I’m from Fullerton, California and graduated from UCLA in 2020 with a B.S. in Environmental Science and minor in Environmental Engineering. After undergrad, I spent a couple years working for local environmental nonprofits in Orange County and working as an Environmental Analyst at an environmental litigation consulting firm, primarily on cases related to occupational and community exposure to hazardous pollutants. These experiences inspired me to learn more about the scope of environmental issues that impact public health, as well as how environmental health research and data can be used to inform policy change. Currently, I work part-time for the Planning and Climate Protection Division at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and the projects I am involved in center on investigating sources of air pollution located in communities that are unfairly burdened by air quality and environmental justice issues and helping to develop strategies to address them.

In my free time, I love to thrift, read, try new recipes, and check out flea markets for unique knick knacks!

What has been your favorite class so far?

One of my favorite classes so far has been ECI 149 taught by Prof. Chris Cappa on physical and technical aspects of air pollution. I took this course as an elective in my first quarter; it was definitely challenging but I appreciated that it combined lecture-based learning with a lab component to apply the skills we were learning. In the lab component, we got to assemble particulate matter sensors and design and conduct our own experiments using them– my group chose to measure indoor air pollution from cooking using different ventilation methods. I liked that this course taught us complex concepts but allowed us the opportunity to apply them to projects of our choosing and conduct our own analysis.

What are your professional goals or current interests?

My interests center on addressing environmental issues that impact public health, especially those pertaining to air quality, through policy. I am interested in working at one of the agencies in California that works to improve air quality, engage communities, protect public health, and address climate change, such as the California Air Resources Board or one of the regional Air Districts. Through my current work with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, I became very interested in regional-level air quality planning, because the work itself is engaging and strikes a balance between developing larger scale policies while continuously engaging with local communities.

Why did you choose the EPM program?

In graduate school, my primary goals were to gain professional experience and knowledge related to environmental health and air quality, especially in the public sector, and expand my network. I felt that UC Davis and the EPM program offered the opportunity to gain valuable experience and firsthand knowledge of the policy process and how various state agencies operate due to both the close proximity to and numerous connections with environmental agencies in Sacramento. I also liked that the EPM program places emphasis on professional experiences and professional development, which I felt was a better fit for me and my career goals rather than a more research-focused graduate program. When I attended the EPM open house event for prospective students, I felt that the program staff and faculty I met were very personable and invested in helping students achieve their goals. I also wanted to experience living in Northern California and really liked the small town vibes and community of Davis!

Do you have any advice for incoming or prospective EPM students?

Don’t be shy about networking or reaching out to people for informational interviews! Networking always made me nervous in undergrad, but I’ve found that people are much more often than not very willing to talk to you about their experiences, give valuable advice, and connect you with people in their network. I’ve learned so much from talking to professionals working in the field I’m interested in, and it’s a great way to learn more about different types of jobs that are out there

Please share a fun fact about yourself!

I love live music! This past August I went to 8 concerts at the Hollywood Bowl and got to see Stevie Wonder, Joni Mitchell, Herbie Hancock, Carlos Santana, Patti LuPone, and Joe Hisaishi perform at different concerts and tribute shows.

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