Dr. Samuel Sandoval Solis is a faculty advisor in the Graduate Program of Environmental Policy and Management and a Professor of Cooperative Extension in Water Resources.
The Graduate Program of Environmental Policy and Management is thrilled to welcome back Dr. David Bunn to our faculty roster. David was the EPM program director from December 2019-August 2021. He is now working as a conservation policy consultant and serves on the EPM External Advisory Committee.
EPM instructor, Abre' Conner, esq. has been appointed to US EPA's HBCU-MSI Federal Advisory Council. Conner has taught the Environmental Policy Clinic since 2023.
I am currently a Professor in Earth and Planetary Sciences, and the Associate Vice Provost for Academic Programs in Public Scholarship & Engagement at UC Davis.
Congratulations to Julianne McCall, PhD, who was recently named as the next CEO of the California Council on Science and Technology (CCST). As CEO, McCall will serve as the liaison to state and national leaders in policy, philanthropy and science and technology related issues.
Dr. Ali Moghimi is an Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, where he is the lead faculty advisor for the Agricultural and Environmental Technology major. Ali earned his Ph.D. in Biosystems Engineering with a Ph.D. minor in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota.
Dr. Cannon is an Associate Professor of Environmental Justice in the Department of Human Ecology and a Research Fellow in the Department of Social Work at the University of the Free State, South Africa.
Dr. Mark Lubell is the Faculty Chair for the Graduate Program in Environmental Policy and Management (EPM). He is a co-director of the UC Davis Center for Environmental Policy and Behavior.
I direct the Center for Community and Citizen Science at the UC Davis School of Education, with the mission of helping scientists, communities, and citizens collaborate on science to address environmental problems as a part of civic life