Faculty Spotlight

Faculty Spotlight- Dr. Ali Moghimi

Dr. Ali Moghimi is an Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, where he is the lead faculty advisor for the Agricultural and Environmental Technology major. Ali earned his Ph.D. in Biosystems Engineering with a Ph.D. minor in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota.

Faculty Spotlight- Dr. Clare Cannon

Dr. Cannon is an Associate Professor of Environmental Justice in the Department of Human Ecology and a Research Fellow in the Department of Social Work at the University of the Free State, South Africa.

Faculty Spotlight- Mark Lubell

Dr. Mark Lubell is the Faculty Chair for the Graduate Program in Environmental Policy and Management (EPM). He is a co-director of the UC Davis Center for Environmental Policy and Behavior.

Faculty Spotlight- Ryan Meyer

I direct the Center for Community and Citizen Science at the UC Davis School of Education, with the mission of helping scientists, communities, and citizens collaborate on science to address environmental problems as a part of civic life

Faculty Spotlight- Jesus Barajas

My background is in transportation planning. Transportation issues are a major part of environmental problem solving: 29% of greenhouse gas emissions in the US come from the transportation sector, and over half of that from...