Kamryn Kubose on a boat at Lake Tahoe.

Alumni Spotlight- Kamryn Kubose

Kamryn graduated with her MS in Environmental Policy and Management in June 2023 with a specialization in City and Regional Planning. She is currently a graduate transportation planner at GHD.

Can you share a memorable experience or accomplishment from your time here as a student?

If I had to choose just one memorable experience, I would say the internship and practicum project I worked on for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. This opportunity highlighted the importance of partnerships between the program and outside clients. The Policy Clinic Symposium at the end of the school year was filled with excitement, nerves, and awe as my team and I presented our work, and then saw our cohort give amazing presentations on their work. That moment showcased how far we had come and what EPM ultimately prepared us for.

How did the EPM program help prepare you for your current work?

The EPM program taught me the value of networking. I heard about networking all during undergrad, but its importance didn't click for me until entering this program. EPM equips us with a mentorship program that connects you to alumni and an external advisory committee that connects you with professionals. Take advantage of this and any networking events that EPM puts on! Even after "landing" a job, networking within your company can bring you new opportunities.

What do you enjoy the most about your current role?

I love the fact that I can apply what I learned from the classes I took and apply it to my current role. Having the knowledge about how a bill becomes law, such as SB 743, and then being on the implementation side of that in my role as a transportation planner and evaluating VMT with new methodologies, is very rewarding!

Tell us about the nonprofit that you started; what advice would you give to students who want to start their own?

Right before starting grad school, I started a nonprofit called the Central Valley Young Environmental Advocates, which focuses on advocating for environmental justice and preparing the next generation of leaders. The paperwork to start a nonprofit is simple; spend some time researching the forms you need to fill out and the accounts you need to set up. But, the real work comes with finding people who are as passionate as you are, believe in the mission of your nonprofit, and are willing to put in the work with you!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I'm currently learning Dutch so I can speak with my husband and his family! It's a fun language and many words are similar to English. Thankfully, you don't have to roll your Rs (in the way that you do in Spanish), which is nearly impossible for me to do.

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