EPM Faculty serving as Senior Economist with Council of Economic Advisors
Dr. Frances Moore, Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy, has been appointed a one-year term as a senior economist with the Council of Economic Advisors in Washington, D.C. The Council of Economic Advisors provides the President with objective economic advice using the best available data to support the President in setting economic policy. The CEA is led by a Chair, who is appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, and by two members who are appointed by the President.
Fran has been a core faculty member of the EPM program since its inception in 2017. She alternates teaching ENV 200B- Environmental Policy Analysis, a core course that takes an economic approach to policy design and assessment. She also teaches several undergraduate classes, including Environmental Data Science and Methods in Environmental Policy Evaluation. In addition to teaching, Fran serves as a Faculty Advisor to 4-6 EPM students each academic year. As a Faculty Advisor, Fran reviews students' Comprehensive Exam documents, assists students in developing a topical area of interest and selecting electives and helps connect students with her network. She also plays an important role in helping students brainstorm where and what they want to do for their Practicum project.
Fran's research focuses on climate sciences and economics to understand the social impacts of climate change and the ability to adapt to the impacts. To do this, she uses econometric analysis, experimental approaches, climate model output, and economic modeling.
Congrats to Fran on this incredible opportunity!