In the Wild: Saurabh Harohalli with the City of Sacramento
My name is Saurabh Harohalli, and I am part of the EPM Class of 2024. Before coming to EPM, I studied chemical engineering and worked in the manufacturing sector. Through EPM, I am currently shifting my career to focus on the intersection of decarbonization and urban planning. I started working for the Office of Climate Action and Sustainability in the City of Sacramento in January of 2023, and I spent time this summer researching commercial building decarbonization policies for the City.
The city has a goal to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2045, so addressing building emissions, which make up 37% of the city's emissions, will be important. In the fall of 2023, the City released a draft Existing Building Electrification Strategy (Strategy) for public review which outlines a strategy to electrify buildings in the city. This, combined with a move to 100% carbon free electricity by the local utility, will help achieve net-zero emissions by 2045. The draft Strategy currently proposes an Energy Benchmarking and Building Performance Standard
(BPS) for commercial buildings.
Energy Benchmarking: buildings covered under this policy would need to report their energy use annually to the City, following establishment of an ordinance.
Building Performance Standards: buildings covered under this policy would need to meet some specified performance threshold such as a GHG intensity, often measured by kgCO2/sqft, or follow an approved "Alternate Compliance Pathway."
Staff initiated preliminary research on these policy levers to provide context and vet feasibility for development of the draft Strategy. This is where I supported. I performed background research on energy usage in the City, consulted subject matter experts, conducted informational interviews with other jurisdictions that have similar policies, and engaged with national research laboratories and federal agencies to get technical assistance. From this, I was able to compile a list of potential policy levers in benchmarking and BPS laws as well as context for each. In addition, I provided some initial data on how different building size thresholds impact the amount of energy covered under policies as well as compliance rates with an existing state benchmarking law (AB802). While this research is an ongoing process, my work provides a foundation for initial engagement with community partners and other policymakers.