Alejandro (Alex) Sanchez

Alex Sanchez

Position Title
Second-year student
Former member, EPM Social Committee

  • Environmental Policy & Management

Alejandro (Alex) Sanchez graduated from Sacramento State University with a B.S. in Environmental Studies. Currently, Alex works with an NGO called United Latinos–Promoviendo Acción Cívica, as an air quality technician for the Sacramento Vehicle Emissions Project (VEP). This project aims to establish an air-monitoring network in communities located in the North Vineyard, West Arden Arcade, North Sacramento, South Sacramento, and Gardenland regions. The goal is to assess public health and environmental impacts resulting from vehicle emissions. Furthermore, he has recently been hired as a graduate student researcher (GSR) at UC Davis for another air monitoring project known as Toxic Air Pollutants in California Environmental Justice Communities. The air sampling work primarily takes place in environmental justice zones around Sacramento, where low-income and BIPOC communities are in closer proximity to point sources of air pollution. Alex plans to specialize in either Climate Change Science & Policy or Food Systems & Sustainable Agriculture. His ambition is to continue addressing environmental public health issues in Sacramento County, focusing on hazardous air pollutants, water contamination, and exposures to hazardous substances.