Erin Rodriguez

Recent EPM grad appointed Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs at CA Dept. of Resources Recycling and Recovery

Recent EPM graduate Erin Rodriguez has been appointed Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs at the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery by Governor Gavin Newsom. Previously, Erin was a California Policy Advocate at the Union of Concerned Scientists. She's also worked as a legislative aide in the California State Capitol for various Assembly members. While at UC Davis, Erin was interested in improving her scientific and technical expertise in order to be an advocate to solve pressing issues such as climate change, transportation and energy policy. Through the program's Policy Clinic, Erin worked with a team of students in partnership with the California State Assembly looking at urban extreme heat mitigation.

The press release announcing Erin's appointment is available here. Congratulations, Erin! We can't wait to see the work that you go on to accomplish. 

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