EPM Graduating Class of 2023

CA Department of Water Resources Director Karla Nemeth joins EPM graduation ceremony

Quick Summary

  • The Environmental Policy and Management program hosted EPM graduates and their family and friends last week for a special celebratory ceremony.

Last week, in a small, personalized ceremony, the Graduate Program of Environmental Policy and Management celebrated 33 new graduates. Of the 33 graduates, 7 completed the accelerated 12-month track with the other 26 students completing the traditional 2-year track. Many EPM students have already successfully lined up their first post-graduation jobs with organizations including (but not limited to) CalRecycle, SummitWest Environmental, US EPA, US Army Corps of Engineers, and Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition.

California Department of Water Resources Director, Karla Nemeth
Karla Nemeth, Director of California Department of Water Resources 

A hallmark of our ceremony was keynote speaker Karla Nemeth, Director of the California Department of Water Resources. In this position, Nemeth oversees the Department and its mission to manage and protect California’s water resources, working with other agencies in order to benefit the State’s people and to protect, restore and enhance the natural and human environments (California DWR). Key takeaways from the keynote speech were communication, long-term thinking and leadership-- all skills that tie in with EPM's mission in training the next generation of environmental leaders. A huge thank you to Director Nemeth for joining our ceremony and inspiring our graduates to step into their next adventure with these takeaways in mind. 

Lara Schroder at EPM graduation 2023
Student speaker Lara Schroder speaking at the ceremony

Following the keynote speech, the event featured 3 student speakers Thomas Miller, Jessica DellaRossa and Lara Schroder. Each had wisdom to share about their graduate school experience. Lara's speech focused on the circular growth shown by each student since their first day on campus. Jessica's speech acknowledged what a feat it was to finish this degree, and highlighted the support students received from their loved ones, peers as well as their own perseverance. Thomas shared this inspirational message to his classmates:

The challenges we face are many. Global temperatures continue to rise, our oceans are acidifying, our forests less abundant, our air more polluted. The can seems to be continuously kicked down the road and the next generation repeatedly told to lower their sights. But over the past 2 years, it has become evident to me that this cohort of graduates... is composed of barrier breakers, wave makers, movers and shakers. We understand that progress is not "more of the same" and that fundamental change is required. I am unyielding in my belief that each and every one of [us] is capable of incredible affect."

After student speeches concluded, it was time to welcome our Faculty Advisors to the stage. EPM Faculty Advisors work closely with student advisees throughout their time in our program. For this ceremony, we asked each Faculty Advisor to say a few words to highlight their advisee's many accomplishments. This is one of the ways the program is able to make graduation a memorable experience for our graduates as well as their friends and families. EPM's incoming Faculty Chair, Dr. Tyler Scott, commented:

Our students do amazing things, and graduation provides a unique chance to to view the depth and breadth of these accomplishments and celebrate together as a community. For many students, graduation is also a collective achievement shared with supportive friends and family, and so the event is also a chance to for loved ones to celebrate their accomplishment together."

On behalf of the EPM program, we want to say congratulations to all of the graduates. We wish you all the best of luck navigating this transition and look forward to seeing all that you accomplish in the future!

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