Sarra Falakfarsa

Alumni Spotlight- Sarra Falakfarsa

Sarra is working with the Sac Metro Air District as an Assistant Air Quality Specialist in the Program Coordination Division. She is specifically working on a new project that highlights a partnership between the City of Sacramento and the Sac Metro Air District. This position involves a lot of project management, outreach efforts and collaboration. Sarra is an EPM alumna and graduated in June 2022.

How has EPM prepared you for the workforce?
EPM has prepared me for the workforce by teaching me how to work effectively with team members to accomplish our goals/projects. It gave me a strong background in project management, relevant environmental laws and policies, and communicating scientific knowledge. 
Do you have any advice for incoming/current students?
The biggest piece of advice I would give incoming/current students would be to keep their minds open about their interests and experiences. I started out being focused on water resources and marine resources, and while I still love those areas, I discovered that I really enjoy working in air quality and love my job! I think it’s important to always see the value in what you are doing and take lessons and experiences and put them in your professional toolkit for the future. 
What was your favorite memory from EPM/Davis?
Believe it or not, my favorite memory from EPM was navigating the weird Pandemic time with my cohort. It was a super challenging time to be in graduate school and I was amongst amazing individuals who were also up for the challenge. We worked through obstacles and ended up coming out the other end of the program as successful young professionals. 
Please share a fun fact about yourself! 
Fun fact is that I have recently been obsessed with indoor plants. I have a collection of indoor plants that are taking over part of my living room and I feel like I am in a jungle. My cat tries to hangout with the plants so she also gets as much attention as them. 

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